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Perfect measuring technique for cold and warm water

Perfect measuring technique for cold and warm water

January 10, 2017 2:14 pm

In India, every person uses on average 155 litres of water a day, compared to developing countries
those only use 20 litres!

Toshniwal provides a comprehensive residential meter portfolio to meet the world’s water utility

Toshniwal’ Series continues to be in the water industry standards. Its quiet, rugged and reliable
apartment and domestic water meters achieve ultra low-flow measurement and meets or exceeds all
standards. The ISO standard assures highest possible standards for both manufacturing and = service

• Meter with 8 number register allowing precise and easy reading in m3 and litres.
• For horizontal and vertical installation.
• Rising and down pipes, meter head completely turnable.
• Dry type, single jet impeller with magnetic drive.
• High measuring accuracy and reliability.
• Approvals in 16 countries.


Toshniwal Hyvac Pvt Ltd
267, Kilpauk Garden Road
Chennai – 600010
Tele: +91-44-26445626/8983

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