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Indium Corporation experts to present at Eletrain Advanced Packaging and High-Reliability Seminar

Indium Corporation experts to present at Eletrain Advanced Packaging and High-Reliability Seminar

December 16, 2019 1:41 pm

Two of Indium Corporation’s experts will present on high-reliability materials and process optimisation at the Eletrain Advanced Packaging and High-Reliability Seminar on 12 December, 2019 in Dongguan, China.

Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee, Vice President of Technology, who has over 3 decades of experience in the development of fluxes, alloys, and solder pastes for surface mount technology (SMT) industries, will present ‘Improving Reliability and Cleanability with a Novel Flux and Solder Alloy’. He will talk about how an innovative flux was especially designed to prevent a decrease in flux viscosity after reflow, preventing solder paste collapse, while also maintaining high electrochemical migration performance. He will also discuss the high-reliability alloy’s exemplary performance in harsh environments, while offering high shock resistance and field failures reduction.

Seven Liang, Area Technical Manager for Shenzhen, who has more than a decade of SMT experience, will present Process Optimization for Reduced Voiding and Solder Beading’. The presentation will discuss the voiding and solder beading analysis process and solutions, and examine some voiding and solder beading case studies.

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