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snapchain 2.0: small, compact and cost-effective energy supply system

snapchain 2.0: small, compact and cost-effective energy supply system

October 17, 2023 7:03 pm

The new igus energy chain made entirely of recyclate can be installed in seconds and guides cables reliably.

Cost-effectiveness extends beyond just groceries; it’s equally applicable to energy chains. Often, the most straightforward products come at a lower price and embody cutting-edge technology. igus has developed the Snapchain 2.0, especially for low-stress and flat cable packages. The energy supply system consists of just one side link, to which cables can be fixed with cable tie-wraps. It is made entirely of recyclate, making it a sustainable solution.

More space is often needed to ensure a reliable energy supply to cables in cash registers and drawer systems, office furniture, and even gaming machines. To address this challenge, igus introduced the Snapchain 20 years ago. It consists of one side link to which cables are attached and guided with a defined bend radius. This design allows it to fit into the tightest of spaces and has proven its effectiveness in thousands of applications worldwide. Now, igus has enhanced the snapchain. “We would like to give our customers even more flexibility in chain harnessing. This is why we changed the design so that the cables can now be easily fixed with standard cable ties,” explains Kira Weller, Product Manager for e-chains at igus. The cable tie wrap is inserted into the side link, routed around the cable package and closed. Another notable feature of the snapchain 2.0 is that its standard version is made of the igumid CG recycling material.

From old to new
The igumid CG material comes entirely from recycled energy chains. As part of the Chainge program, igus has been taking back used energy chains, regardless of manufacturer, since 2019. The material is then sorted according to type, cleaned and returned to new quality in a single process. The material then becomes igumid CG, which has been used successfully in the E2.1 cradle-chain energy chain series since the spring of 2022. Numerous test series in the 3,800-square-metre in-house laboratory at the igus location in Cologne have confirmed its tensile force and breaking moment. The e-chains from recycled material contribute to resource conservation, promoting the circular economy. According to the Environment Product Declaration, this sustainable raw material cycle reduces CO2 by 28%. “The snapchain 2.0 is a cost-effective all-around package. It provides our customers with a product that is reliable, sustainable and quick to assemble. It is the second chain series, the standard version we make from recycled material. At the end of its life, it can also be entirely recycled,” says Weller.

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