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Innovations in software improve CNC programming precision for die and mould production

Vineet Seth, the Managing Director of Mastercam APAC for South Asia & Middle East, asserts that CNC machines are indispensable in die and mould manufacturing, serving as the backbone of discreet production…

Indian tooling industry catches momentum

Rising focus on industrial automation across the world is driving the Die and Casting industry. The growth of the die and mould market is driven by an increase in demand…

Die and Mould automation prospects and trends 

Industry experts share their views about the die & mould industry and also about skilled D&M manpower availability which is a challenge to many tool making companies. The pandemic has…

Monitoring shop floor efficiency with digital technology 

We have started monitoring the shop floor efficiency with digital technology. Making in India drive will certainly help to become ‘Global Manufacturing Hub.  The vision for the country is very…


eMagazine January 2025

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