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Phillips Education Advanced Manufacturing inaugurates Center of Excellence in Haridwar

Phillips Education Advanced Manufacturing inaugurates Center of Excellence in Haridwar

September 16, 2023 6:55 pm

The Education center aims to train 1200 students for three years and offer jobs – directly impacting over 5000 family members.

Phillips Education – a global leader in advanced manufacturing education – inaugurated its Center of Excellence (CoE) at the Vishisht Government Industrial Training Institute, Haridwar, in the State of Uttarakhand. This CoE is established in partnership with Uttarakhand Workforce Development Program (“UKWDP”) and is backed by the World Bank. The state-of-the-art CoE symbolizes the nation’s transition from less efficient manufacturing methods to a new era of advanced technologies, in sync with the world, ready to deliver global excellence.

Saurabh Bahuguna ji (Minister of Skill Development and Employment of Uttarakhand) said – “As we gather here today to inaugurate this Center of Excellence, let us take a minute to realize that Aao Behtar Bharat Banaye is more than just a phrase – it represents how together, we are forging a better Uttarakhand and Bharat. This CoE will create job opportunities, ensure our people are trained using the very latest technologies, and industries will be motivated to set up their factories in our beautiful State and compete in the global arena.” 

Phillips Education is focused on unleashing the potential of the manufacturing industry by tackling its most crippling challenge: the skills gap. Haridwar’s CoE, was awarded to Phillips Education earlier this year to foster the region’s manufacturing prowess and scale its capabilities to newer heights.  Prominent attendees from Phillips included Rakshiit Kejriwal (President, Phillips Education), Nikhil Modi (Global Marketing Leader, Phillips Corporation) and Col. Ankur Sabharwal (Vice President – Operations). The event was also graced by thought leaders such as Col. Mohit Chauhan, with speeches from Dr. Harindra Garg, Chairman Sidcul Manufacturing Association, Uttarakhand.

Understanding the importance of this initiative to the industry, governments, and the employability of the citizens, Phillips Education has been setting up CoE across India and Overseas..  Overseas, the organization has partnered with the Malaysian government agency to develop a CoE to drive Industry 4.0 in their country, and is also instrumental in developing Qatar’s first advanced manufacturing CoE – a project led by McKinsey and involving collaboration with Factory One, a model factory by Qatar Development Bank. Each CoE is the result of Phillips Education working with partner organizations to directly address the skills gap.

 “With an extraordinary customer base and unparalleled proficiency in creating and encouraging new machinists, Phillips is a brand to be reckoned with,” according to Kejriwal. “Our foray into Manufacturing Education reflects not merely another business venture, but us taking the onus and responsibility to contribute to the betterment of our nation and truly making it Atmanirbhar.” 

Haridwar is a state of enormous potential to contribute to India’s manufacturing sector, according to Kejriwal. “We believe this CoE will empower the region’s students to create a paradigm shift from dependency on tourism and farming towards sustainable careers in manufacturing.” 

With the Center of Excellence now officially operational in Haridwar, it stands poised to become a beacon of knowledge, innovation, and excellence, not just for the region but for the entire nation. As more countries and states within India establish CoEs by Phillips Education, the manufacturing education provider plans to develop a vast network where student exchange programs across cities of India and internationally, can help accelerate the incubation of ideas, transfer of technologies, and sharing of best practices.

The inauguration culminated with enthusiasm and hope for the future. The CoE’s cutting-edge facilities, state-of-the-art machinery, and industry-leading curriculum left attendees impressed and optimistic about the impact it would have on the local workforce and region’s overall economic growth. It is also a shining example of how the collective efforts of State Government, Corporate, and World Bank will be needed to foster the missions such as Make in India, Skill India, and Atmanirbhar Bharat.

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