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Best practices for overhead cranes

Best practices for overhead cranes

November 23, 2023 11:46 am

Overhead crane equipment is renowned for its durability, lasting decades when well-maintained. However, when these cranes become outdated or unreliable, modernisation is crucial. The article explores that technological advancements offer cost-effective solutions to extend their lifespan and efficiency with service care program.

Overhead crane equipment can have a lifespan spanning several decades when it is properly installed, designed, and maintained. However, having expensive equipment that becomes outdated, unsafe, or unreliable is not a better situation. When faced with this challenge, organisations must consider the option of modernising or
upgrading their overhead cranes. The good news is that there is no need to go through the hassle of repurchasing entirely new equipment. Due to advancements in technology and engineering, extending the operational life of existing overhead crane equipment is possible. Any overhead crane that could perform more efficiently can be upgraded or modernised to meet the production requirements effectively.

Opting for upgrading or modernising your overhead crane equipment with latest technology
The overhead crane is renowned for its remarkable longevity. When you invest in an overhead crane, it is likely to remain in service for several decades, provided it receives proper care. Nevertheless, certain components of the crane can deteriorate with time. It is essential to replace or repair them promptly to ensure optimal functionality. This maintenance can significantly extend the crane’s operational life. This is one of the reasons why businesses from various sectors choose to enhance their
overhead crane equipment with modern technologies.

Tacklers – Equipment Upgrades have been designed to help users get more from the current fleet by extending the life of the equipment. The extensive range of upgrades will help make your equipment more productive, safer to operate, more fuel efficient and meet regulatory requirements.

You might use the same crane for over a decade without issues. However, it would help if you considered upgrading or modernising your equipment under specific circumstances. These include adding a new production shift and increasing the number of lifts per shift. The overhead crane must handle heavier or different materials when better speed is necessary for efficient lifting performance.

Replacement parts challenges
As the overhead crane ages, finding the parts for ease of replacement becomes challenging. Some manufacturing companies may not be in the business, or some have become obsolete. In this case, your overhead crane equipment needs replacement, and then you must upgrade or modernise the system. Techno offers an extensive range of genuine parts.

Precise control
Inspecting your overhead crane’s braking system after each year of use is essential. Neglecting brake maintenance results in escalating costs. And it can ultimately lead to even higher expenses over time. Look for the braking system if you have used the overhead crane for over a year. If you do not maintain your brakes in the long run, it can lead to even higher expenses over time.

Efficiency and safety measure
With the development of technology over time, companies are providing add on safety features in machines. It increases the efficiency of the device. One of the techniques is the inclusion of a push button in the operator cab. In some cases, you can replace it with wireless remote radio controls.

Frequent need for repair
Overhead crane equipment can undergo extensive usage. It may lead to frequent shutdowns. If your overhead crane experiences such interruptions, it is a clear sign that it is time to consider upgrading or modernising the equipment with Tacklers service care. Neglecting this issue can result in higher repair costs, making it more cost-effective to opt for repairs rather than investing in a new product. Older cranes typically require more frequent upgrades compared to newer ones. While you repeatedly upgrade your overhead crane equipment, it is crucial to engage the services of a professional crane technician for a thorough inspection. If needed, replace any outdated parts or components with new ones.

Equipment Inspections
It is advisable to enhance the frequency of inspections for your overhead cranes. By doing so, you can prolong the lifespan of your equipment by detecting signs of irregularities and wear promptly. During these inspections, if anyone finds out that the wear and tear exceed acceptable limits, they must look for a replacement. This approach can minimise costly downtime for your overhead cranes. It can contribute to extending the overall longevity of the equipment.

Many manufacturers offer upgraded versions of components for overhead cranes, ensuring they adhere to the latest safety standards. Substituting older crane components with these modernised counterparts maintains safety standards and promotes a secure working environment for your employees.

Upgrading parts of overhead cranes
Certain parts of the overhead crane need to be upgraded or modernised. It is important to consider specific components that can make a difference in its performance and safety. These key areas for improvement include the crane control system, the brake system, the trolley gearbox and hoist, the wheels or end trucks, the electrification system, and the runway or structural components. Addressing these aspects can greatly enhance your overhead crane’s efficiency, reliability, and longevity


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