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Industry 5.0 and Indian Manufacturing l OEM Update l Interaction l For efficient manufacturing

June 12, 2021 1:19 pm

This June, marks the 12th Anniversary of OEM Update! We take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing patronage to OEM Update.

Indian Manufacturing and machining sector has been redefining itself by leveraging newer technologies of Industry 4.0. Tremendous transformation can be seen in the processes by creating smart and automated processes. To add more precision, industry has been presented with robots controlled by humans. This officially validates the acceptance of Industry 5.0.

Industry 5.0 model creates greater potential for customisation to meet the need for complex designed products and expected to create wider scope compared to automated industry 4.0 systems.

On this note, OEM Update hosted a live interactive session on “Industry 5.0 and Indian Manufacturing”, on 25th May. During this session, experts shared their thoughts on how companies are embracing automation, IoT, robotics to create connected enterprise. Also discussing how robots and cobots can reduce complexities in manufacturing and machining processes.

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Tags: INDUSTRY 5.0


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