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Sustainable Manufacturing in the Digital Age | OEM Update | Industry Speaks

June 15, 2023 5:25 pm

As Sr. Vice President at Godrej & Boyce, Mr. Zurvan oversees the entire manufacturing and distribution operations of Godrej Interio which has a manufacturing footprint from Uttarakhand to Tamil Nadu. He has spearheaded the development of a robust supply chain, which helps achieve Godrej lnterio’s ambitious growth plan. Mr. Zurvan chairs the Manufacturing Council of Godrej & Boyce which are a group of prominent leaders in the manufacturing field who are dedicated to achieving manufacturing success at Godrej & Boyce, through a collaborative environment that promotes, facilitates, and advocates best-in-class manufacturing. Mr. Zurvan is also a member of the National Manufacturing Council of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

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