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Grundfos launches Ecademy

Grundfos launches Ecademy

June 29, 2017 12:09 pm

A digital tool that provides easy access to pump related insights on the go

Pumps manufacturer Grundfos India has launched Ecademy, its online training platform for professionals in the pump industry. It is a 24×7 digital training tool and information platform available on the company’s website.

Targeted at consulting engineers, installers, professional end users, service partners and wholesale distributors, Ecademy contains information about the various products and applications, offers installation tips and much more. The platform features global as well as local content in a variety of formats such as videos, slideshows, articles and interactive tools. Customers will be able to access classes on topics such as products, applications and industry standards. At the end of each module, one can test themselves to reinforce the key learning.

The Ecademy is a training series that complements Grundfos’ high-quality pumps through a program that provides easy-to-access education before, during and after the purchase process. It makes the customer an expert in product specification, operation and troubleshooting.

“Ecademy, being an online platform greatly extends our training reach. We can virtually accompany our customers to a job site or a client meeting via their smart devices. Every Ecademy class can stand on its own and some lead into more technical and advanced topics. Customers can choose their own pace of the training and even complete it on the go,” said Mahathi Parashuram, Regional Head – Public Affairs, Communications & Relations, Grundfos Asia Pacific Region.

To learn more about Ecademy, visit:

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