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Automation and digitalisation are our top priorities

Automation and digitalisation are our top priorities

July 1, 2023 11:29 am

According to Shivkumar Srinivasan, the Chief Operating Officer of MEL Systems and Services, industries actively seek innovative methods to utilise robots, enhancing the traditional use of articulated robots in tasks such as pick and place, welding, and painting.

How is the robotics market evolving for industrial automation?

The global installation of robots has been steadily increasing at an average annual growth rate of around 11 percent over the past 6-7 years. However, in recent years, there has been a significant surge in this growth rate. In particular, India has experienced a remarkable growth rate of over 25 percent in the past few years. Instead of relying solely on traditional articulated robots for tasks like pick and place, welding, and painting, industries are actively exploring new and innovative ways to utilise robots. Vision-guided robotics and collaborative robots (cobots) are being implemented extensively. Moreover, there is a rising trend in deploying Autonomous Mobile Robots for material movement. 

How is robotics impacting manufacturing in keeping pace with trends?

The current market demand across various industries, including automotive and other industrial products, is for personalised products that exhibit high precision. In conjunction with digital solutions, robotics plays a crucial role in meeting these requirements. Robots are no longer limited to performing repetitive tasks. With the integration of advanced intelligence, they can adapt their operations and undertake different jobs based on the input they receive. This flexibility enables them to meet the growing demand for customisation and precision in today’s market. 

What advanced software application solutions do you offer to improve performance?

As part of our Industry 4.0 solutions, we have provided advanced software applications for both On-Premise and Cloud environments. These applications are designed to deliver superior performance. Our partnership with OnRobot allows us to offer innovative solutions like D: PLOY, significantly reducing the complexity and time required for implementing automation. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive Factory Simulation and Digital Twin solution through our collaboration with Visual Components. This solution enables factories to enhance their process efficiency and validate layouts effectively. 

Moreover, MELSS serves various industries, including Electronics, Automotive, Electric Vehicles (EV), Abrasives/Refractories, Building Materials, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Rubber, Tyres, and Metals. 

How do you evaluate technology integration to ensure long-term sustainability?

Technological advancements are driving improvements in efficiency across various industries. However, like any technology, they must evolve and mature to deliver optimal results continuously. Currently, organisations are exploring numerous possibilities and implementing innovative solutions. These efforts yield tangible benefits such as improved efficiency, energy savings, and enhanced safety measures. Organisations must adopt and embrace these emerging technologies to remain globally competitive and ensure long-term sustainability.

What safety precautions will you recommend while using articulated robotics?

When implementing an Articulated Robot (non-Cobot), assessing the safety requirements specific to the intended application is crucial. With their higher speed and payload capacities, articulated robots can pose safety risks to operators if appropriate precautions are not taken. Fortunately, a wide range of safety sensors and fencing options are available today, which can ensure the necessary safety measures while still providing the desired flexibility for the application. Adhering to a recognised safety standard is highly recommended to ensure the overall safety of the operation.

Furthermore, a notable significant shift towards minimising manual labour and elevating levels of automation and digitisation is our future priority.

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