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Challenges in EV Manufacturing and Solutions | OEM Update

November 21, 2023 12:09 pm

Mr. Vikas Gupta, Founder, MD and CFO at Sampoorn EV Limited. He is also associated as CEO & CFO with e-Ashwa Automotive where he is instrumental in steering the company, and contributing to electro-mobility towards sustainable development. He is professionally CA, CS, and CMA with around 3 decades of experience. Before setting up e-Ashwa Automotive, Mr. Vikas was instrumental in establishing many start-up organizations and played a vital role in implementing processes, practices, and policies. Many rewards are accredited to Mr. Vikas such as Top 10 Best Leaders in Automotive Industry and India’s Greatest Leaders 2021 – Asia One, Best CEO in e-Automobile segment etc. #Manufacturing#Techology#Industry#Automation#productivity#Oemupdate


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