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OEM Update

Omron showcases solutions for automotive manufacturing and design

August 20, 2015 4:34 pm

OMRON, displayed its key solutions in the factory automation and electronic components arena at the Automotive Engineering Show (AES) -2015.
 Themed ‘Transforming Industries through our solutions’, the Omron booth aimed to fortify its prowess in contributing towards the automotive manufacturing sector to make it progressive and future-ready. Not only this, it also reinforces its expertise towards the design aspect adding value to the cars and other vehicles to make them reliable, safer and better.
Amongst some of the notable exhibits at Omron booth were demonstration of its vision and safety solutions providing innumerable benefits to the original equipment manufacturers such as complete assurance of human and machine safety, zero error processes, and flexibility ensuring optimised resource use.
The automotive electronic components range showcased included technologically advanced relays, switches, transmitters, antenna, body control module, etc. having immense potential to render value to the design of cars and many other vehicles in terms of various interior and exterior applications – making them superior in safety, convenience and reliability. 
Automotive Engineering Show , an annual exhibition currently in its 9th edition, is one of the key expos playing an important role in connecting vehicle, OEM and component manufacturers to technology providers across the country.

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