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OEM Update

Stanadyne launches EcoForce in India

August 20, 2015 4:36 pm

 Stanadyne, a global leader in the design and manufacture of diesel and gasoline fuel systems launched EcoForce; a next generation diesel fuel system developed for the below 50 horsepower engine market. EcoForce is designed for farming, construction and industrial sectors focused on improved fuel economy, increased engine performance and reduced particulate emissions.  Stanadyne plans to launch the new product in 2016 with an investment of Rs 100 crores over the course of the program.
Since 2004, Stanadyne has produced over 18 lacs pumps for sale within India and in international markets.  Recently, Stanadyne achieved over 50 per cent local market share of mid-sized generator-sets along with broad penetration into farming and industrial sectors. 
Dr. John Pinson, Stanadyne President and CTO said, “EcoForce is based on an innovative design concept for the below 50 horsepower market that offers superior engine performance and fuel economy with a lower total cost of ownership.” 
Sanjay Chadda, Managing Director, Stanadyne India said, “EcoForce will address the dual concerns of high fuel costs and air quality emissions resulting in better quality of life in India.”

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